Saturday, November 6, 2010

Meet-the-parents Session! :D

Hello people! :)
Just recently, we had our meet the parents section (II) in VJC! The talk (of which main objective is to assuage our parent's worries) was definitely an informative one as we got a better picture of what we were going to do there and the rest of our itinerary.  It also helped us to prepare better for the trip, as we knew exactly what to bring, our luggage limit, essential clothing, etc. which were crucial points for us to take note.

What happens when there isn't enough seats!

We went through lots of pictures on the actual place we were staying, both the homestead and the oriental guesthouse and it looked really really cozy. :) The more pictures we saw of Ladakh, the more we wanted to go there.

Enraptured by Ladakh

We also readied our jackets for q/c by both guide and teachers and crossed our fingers, hoping that our down jackets would make the cut. But if it was just slightly inadequate, surely that's what layers are for, aren't they? :D

Anyway, after a thoroughly exhausting Q&A session (mostly on the embarrassed students' part as they had to cover their faces after each perfectly-logical-but-embarrassing-nonetheless-question) we had small refreshments on behalf of our parents, those present or otherwise; before being dismissed for the night. :)

Still enraptured by Ladakh

Mini parents conference!

Method of transportation. :O
Helloooo there! :D

For viewing purposes, the pre-depature slides! :)

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